`Love cheat’ Kristen Stewart ridicules in Snow White cartoon

Liberty Ross Cartoon 150x150 `Love cheat’ Kristen Stewart ridicules in Snow White cartoonHollywood actress, Kristen Stewart ridiculed by Liberty Ross, posting a spoof picture of Snow White online as an insulting remark at Kristen who cheated her boyfriend Robert Pattinson with 41-year-old her husband.

Ross is the wife of Rupert Sanders who directed Stewart in “Snow White And The Huntsmen” and has affairs with her. Even photographs of pair had been published in which both are cuddling.

By posting this, it looks like Ross express her feeling with media publicly that Stewart is a ‘Love cheat’.

Reports said, both have issued apologies to their partners, but there is no effect over Sanders’s wife Ross who came out against Stewart using social media and ridiculed her online with jibe of posted a picture of Disney’s Snow White in tears drinking from a bottle.

Earlier this week, the tearful Twilight star admitted among her friends to the fling with married director Rupert Sanders in an apology to her British boyfriend. And, source reported, Robert is said to be ‘heartbroken and humiliated’ by the revelation of her girlfriend’s affair with 41-year-old Rupert.

But Stewart is fully “confident” and is being tried to “pull out all the stops” to win back her boyfriend and both will stay together, even rumours is that the pair are engaged in an intense conversation.

“She is completely apologising and trying to make things right with him but she is very confident that she is going to win his trust back,” a close source reported.

Moreover, 26-year-old Rob was found to be ‘heartbroken and humiliated’ while Stewart’s affair with 41-year-old Rupert was published with their pictures that make the pair relation in danger.

And now, Ross’s recent uploaded photos ridiculed Stewart added it more, while she deleted her Twitter account after spread out the issue, uploading status with “Wow”.

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