Google establishes data centre in Taiwan

Google Inc. is going to become the third Asian centre in Taiwan, after Hong Kong and Singapore, targeting more than US$300 million as traffic across the region expected to grow online demand robustly.

The most prominent U.S. search engine will hire 25 full-time staff for building Taiwan’s data center on a 15-hectare site of Taiwan.

This centre will come online as early as the second half of 2013, according to Google’s announcement on Tuesday.

Investment over this centre will be larger than two other under construction centers, total is of $700 million that sports faster access of Internet with a variety of Google’s products in Asia.

Google’s Asian-Pacific President Daniel Alegre said, “More new Internet users are coming online everyday here in Asia than anywhere else in the world.”

Google has six centers in US that are packed with thousands of computers, storage systems and backup power supplies with other security devices, servicing huge amount of secure data.

Dealing with largest market accessibility, Google further made announcement regarding l launching of a program in Taiwan, targeting annual grants between US$5,000 and US$50,000 to organizations focusing on new-economy entrepreneurship.


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