Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Election: Netanyahu to push Coalition talks after dramatic deadlock

Israeli Parliamentary election reached a tie between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party and center-left challengers after both parties gained 60 seats each. Read more

Obama’s nomination of Hagel and Brennan stirs up row

Obama in CIA Defence Row 150x150 Obama’s nomination of Hagel and Brennan stirs up rowUS President Barack Obama has nominated Chuck Hagel as country’s next defense secretary, warming Israel. Read more

Israel- Hamas Propaganda War: Grad Targets Gaza, hit Israel self defence

The Israeli Defense Forces entered on its third day of operations ‘Pillar of Defense’ against terror Group of Gaza, striking more than hundreds of terrorist targets in Gaza overnight and still in morning and killed 20 Palestinians and 180 injured.

There is a huge fighting between Gaza and IDF as Grad rockets has been exploded hitting several houses reported to cause of huge damage and injuries of people. As per report, one grad rocket struck a house in the Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, but no causality was reported.

The entire targets has bombed just ahead of Egyptian Prime Minister Hisham Qandil’s visit to Gaza on Friday. A continuous rocket strike has targeted the Eshkol and Bnei Shimon regional councils, Read more

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