Want Chocolates, give likely to high opium

Choclate eater 150x150 Want Chocolates, give likely to high opiumAttention Choco lovers, your habit to tuck into your big favorite dark chocolate may led to highper opium, an effect on the brain suffering a craving similar to drug addiction.

Alexandra DiFeliceantonio of the University of Michigan who discovered new study found that neostriatum’s role, a part of brain, is strongly effected by chocolate and a natural brain chemical called enkephalin performed so powerfully as rats started eating M&M chocolates, tell us a lot about our own binge-eating tendencies.

Meanwhile, brain chemicals urged people to eat and higher their intension, even more than double it with numbers of candy choco and raise eager desire to get , tuck in mouth and fulfill a growing list of function, depicted as, “Oooh, I wanna eat it!” .

“It may be one reason why overconsumption is a problem today,” DiFeliceantonio told reporters, adding that “This means that the brain has more extensive systems to make individuals want to overconsume rewards than previously thought.”

The new study also highlighted the similarity between drug addicts and obese people whose brain area is active in a growing way when seeing foods.

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