Next week, all Internet users will see a change in their networking as the IPv6 , the successor of the dominance of IPv4 regime, will all set with the ‘World IPv6 Launch,’ on June 6.
The new way of Internet Protocol and the Internet Service Providers (ISPs), hardware makers and websites will enjoyed by users via use IP version 6.
IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol Version 4 are made up of a sequence of four sets of numbers and due to vast boundary less usage of the Internet, this protocol has been exhausted.
As a result, the new generation IPv6 has been launched which would use a set of six numbers to allocate new addresses to users. The new internet-layer protocol for packet-switched internetworking provides end-to-end data transmission across multiple IP networks with 128-bit addresses.
However users can use IPv6 as soon as their computers, the networks and the content and service providers get ready for it, facilitating device an extra flexibility for allocating addresses and enhanced efficiency for routing traffic.
6 June is the deadline from which most major tech companies Time Warner, AT&T, D-Link, Google, Cisco, Facebook, Bing and Yahoo! will begin a transition to this move.
The Internet Society that will be launched the IPv6 said, “This time it is for real”. As per it, the Internet Service Providers (ISPs), home-networking equipment manufacturers and web companies will see as one as they join the move IPv6 for their products and services by 6 June 2012.
According to source report, IPv4 addresses were exhausted in 2011 and after that the Internet Society successfully organized World IPv6 Day event on 8 June 2011, for undergone a test drive of new IP address.
IPv6 indicates a platform for innovation and economic global development with the Internet’s continued growth. Removing the network address translation (NAT) requirement, IPv6 supports more advance features like simplifies the aspects of address assignment, network renumbering and router announcements.
Indian users who want to experience this new generation Internet Protocol for anything enjoy, just need to have a different and longer set of address numbers that is possible via IPv6.