Japan set up new “Nuclear Regulatory Agency”

A plan to establish “Nuclear Regulatory Agency” in Japan has approved by Japan’s cabinet and today it ready to unveil its independent nuclear oversight panel which handle all the nuclear power operations.

Following the Opposition criticism to be too warm with the industry it regulates, the govt. has launched its nuclear agency which serves as the secretariat of the commission.

After tsunami Fukushima disaster, also Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant crisis which were crippled by the magnitude 9.0 earthquake on March 11, losing so much its economy, once again Japan govt seek to review its policy, nuclear plant safety regulations amid lacking trust of public in the wake of the disaster hit.

Talking to media, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that the new agency will also oversee nuclear security, radiation monitoring and crisis management.

The adviser to the Cabinet Office, Shunichi Tanaka will be headed the five-member Nuclear Regulation Authority.

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