In an interesting twist in the Balwant Singh Rajoana row, the chief minister of Punjab, Parkash Singh Badal said in Punjab Vidhan Sabha that the Punjab Government will not hang Rajoana.
Meanwhile, Balwant Singh Rajoana is a Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) militant and was given death sentence on charges of assassinating former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh
On the other hand, a trial court in Chandigarh is likely to decide on the execution of former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh’s co-assassin today.
The state Chief Minister said Punjab Govt will stand-with the SGPC petition seeking conversion of Balwant Singh Rajoana’s death sentence to a life term.
Reading his note in the house, Chief Minister Badal revealed the written as well as the House assembled for a debate on the Governor’s address. Eh further said in Vidhan Sabha that he would meet the President Pratibha Patil and the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to seek their intervention to save Rajoana from the gallows. Read more