Baby Falak dies of cardiac arrest at AIIMS

Baby Falak Dies 300x200 Baby Falak dies of cardiac arrest at AIIMSBaby Falak, two-year old small but battered baby girl who battled from two-months for survival, is no more and dies in New Delhi yesterday night on March 15 following a cardiac arrest.

At 9.40 pm of Thursday, Falak who had shocked the country with her a very distressing painful experience in the recent past, breathed last at AIIMS trauma centre after an “unexpected” heart attack.

Declaring her big shocking death, Dr Deepak Aggarwal, senior professor with the institute’s neurosurgery department, said, “It was unexpected. She was fit to be discharged. She had a cardiac arrest at 9pm. We tried to revive her for almost 40 minutes.”

However earlier she had two heart attacks along meningitis and underwent five surgeries but she managed them else revived on Thursday.

Shocking fact is that on same day that turned to her death, February 15, Falak was come together again with her 22-year-old mother Munni who met her in the hospital.

During her 58-days treatment period, earlier doctors had seen the sign of improvements in her body that they decided to discharge her from the hospital. Even she had removed from ICU and shifted to the ward.

“She was responding so well to the treatment and had her condition had become good that we had even decided to discharge her from the hospital this week,” Aggarwal who was treating her said.

The two-year old baby girl whom all the nations Indians as well from the US and Canada had ready to adopt her, was admitted to the AIIMS on January 18 by a teenage girl who had falsely claimed to be her mother.

Falak had severe head injuries, broken arms, human bite marks all over her body and her cheeks branded with hot iron. Investigating the shocking Falak’s plight, Police arrested around ten people allegedly connected in the case and also revealed Falak’s five-year-old brother with her sister and their mother.


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