A major setback over the screening of his movie Vishwaroopam in Tamil Nadu, actor-director Kamal Hasan has decided to move n the Supreme Court on Thursday, seeking to overturn the ban on his ambitious film. Read more
Tag: Madras High Court
Rajiv Gandhi killers’ plea moved to Supreme Court
From last 11 years, the clemency plea of Rajiv Gandhi killers had been delaying or in waiting of decision made by the President.
Now, the Supreme Court decided to transfer itself the petitions filed by three killers, Santhan, Murugan and Perarivalan – against their death penalty from the Madras high court.
A bench of Justice G.S. Singhvi delivered order to adjudicate Supreme Court for directing the clemency plea filled by them against their death, with the Madras High Court on lawyer K.L. Venkat’s plea seeking transfer of their pleas outside Tamil Nadu, and listed the case for hearing on July 10. Read more