Tag Archives: Higgs boson

India will be the new Associate Member of CERN

With an attempt to boost its science field, India is seeking associate membership of the World best ‘god particle’ discovering group, European Organisation of Nuclear Research (CERN).

Just after applying this move to be part of CERN, Large Hadron Collider (LHC) largest contributing group, all the opportunities comes under India’s science as scientist will be able to participate on big experiments as well as other developing programmes of CERN.

India plans to release “Higgs Boson” sequel

The world’s best appreciable revolutionary discovery of the Higgs particle, popularly known as ‘The God Particle’ by two teams of physicists at the CERN laboratory near encouraged Indian scientists too as are thinking for unveiling a sequel of “Higgs boson”.

According to source, Physicists of India-based Neutrino Observatory (INO) near Madurai in Tamil Nadu plan to release Higgs boson sequel.

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CERN scientists discovers evidence of ‘God Particle’

As per the world’s biggest discovery of CERN research centre’s scientists, a new subatomic particle has been found that could be the elusive Higgs boson, much crucial element that believed to give structural phase of the universe.

According to source report, the particle that has been found on Wednesday is the long-sought Higgs boson, called as the “God particle”.

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