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Nokia the world’s largest most trusted firm, now cuts more than 10,000 of jobs in appreciation of converting old factory into software peripheral manufactured firms in Asia.
In support of unions, Nokia announced to cut 2,300 jobs in Komarom, Hungary and 1,000 jobs in Finland, 700 in Reynosa, Mexico that plan will be started at the end of June.
The company stated in a statement, Most of the cuts at Salo, the factory that manufactured smartphones for European markets, which were in line with the plan announced Feb. 8, will take place by the end of June.
“Now that we are clear on the personnel and the job positions, the changes will start to ramp up to the new mode of operation,” a source reportedly said.
The market demand of Nokia smartphone is going to be ground down as five from nine at the beginning of 2001. To strengthen its position as a loss of smartphone market share to Apple Inc. (AAPL), one year ago, Nokia joined with Microsoft Corp. (MSFT).
On basis of period of job, Company has promised to give five to 15 months of salary to the factory workers who are struck out from the jobs. Those who are not succeeding in finding further jobs can get an extra two months of salary.
The conversion process of new business units is likely to complete in the second half and additional the firm that made the first
Lumia handset is reportedly constructing a new factory in Vietnam for low-end phones to target the middle level market segments for increasing its revenue by hiking demands.

- Published by Himmat Mehra in: Business
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