Google wins China’s approval for Motorola deal

Google, the world largest search giant is in way to build “Android as an open-source platform” in wake of making the No. 1 mobile OS globally and for that Google earlier had pledged to make freely available the Android to its entire hardware manufacturer.

Amongst all, it was China that had not get approval all necessary regulatory approvals in ire of China to made Google out of the country two years ago in a dispute over censorship and computer security.

But on Saturday, China Govt. has approved the Google Inc. $12.5 billion deal to have part in bid to buy phone maker Motorola Mobility.

Speaking about approval, Google spokeswoman Niki Fenwick said Authorities of China had approved the Deal and “we look forward to closing the deal.”

It has been said that the deal may close early next week, but after OKing the Google-Motorola merger, China made a condition that Google’s Android OS must remain free at no cost for next five years.

The $12.5 billion price Google‘s acquisition of Motorola is more than total of the 185 other acquisitions that Google has paid since 2004.

According to source report, Google was announced the Motorola Mobility deal on last August and brought approval to all mobile devices maker.

“Many hardware partners have contributed to Android’s success and we look forward to continuing our work with all of them on an equal basis to deliver outstanding user experiences,” Google CEO Larry Page told a conference, as per source saying.

By this, more than 17,000 Motorola patents can access Google as being part of it that boost scope of Google into tablet, Android devices and other consumer devices for the first time, bringing closer to sealing its biggest acquisition ever.

Buying Motorola Mobility will open new opportunities for Mobility Holdings Inc.’s patents to compete with device dealing major market giant such as Apple, Microsoft and other. However they must have face challenges for concentrated on Internet search, ad sales and other software-driven online services.

In addition, this acquisition bid is said to deal with Motorola Mobility’s expertise in mobile devices and set-top boxes for cable TV, expand scope of home entertainment.

Meanwhile, presently Google’s Android, that powered more than 250 million mobile devices, is freely available with the latest versions to Motorola Mobility. Even if Google were to discriminate, mobile partners still could rely software from Microsoft Corp., RIM and Hewlett-Packard Co.

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