A more aggressive person usually harms himself by lacking self control and does not understand what he has done and how it could be control.

Now if anyone wants to control temper then train oneself to use the ‘wrong’ hand or a way to self control, study reported.

Tailor of this study is Dr Thomas Denson, researchers of the University of New South Wales. He studied that right-handers should get into the habit of using a computer mouse, stirring a cup of coffee or opening a door with their left hand – and left-handers should do the opposite.

As per study that published in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, self control and aggression are dependent each other, a man can able to reduce his aggression by practicing to use their non-dominant hand for two weeks. We cans say, if people are right handed, then they are use their left hand and see the result.

Some activities like using the mouse, stirring your coffee, opening doors require people to practice self control because their habitual tendency is to use their dominant hands.

No doubt self-control is the one best practice to control anger that keeps us from punching queue jumpers or murdering conniving colleagues.

In a statement, Dr Denson said, “I think, for me, the most interesting findings that have come out of this is that if you give aggressive people the opportunity to improve their self control, they are less aggressive.”

This self control study is the outcome of last ten years in which researchers experimenting new ways of manipulating it and found self control and aggression really are tightly linked.